Students complete HASS (Humanities, Arts, Social Science) courses by their senior year, one per a semester, in order to build strong skills in humanistic insights, communication, and critical thinking. To deal with HASS areas, KETNECH establishes a partnership with Minerva Project specialized in liberal arts and science education (KENTECH is the first University in Korea to implement Minerva’s educational program). Minerva combines an interdisciplinary and cross-contextual curriculum with a Fully Active Learning Pedagogy, based on decades of research in the science of learning. The same curriculum, pedagogy, and learning platform are used by Minerva University, Minerva Project’s flagship partner. Minerva University’s admission rate, hovering around 1-2% making it the most selective university in the world, has been ranked 3rd in the 2021 WURI (World Universities with Real Impact) ranking, after MIT and Stanford. KENTECH students will take the same foundational HASS classes as Minerva University students for their first and second year. These courses are designed to strengthen foundational skills such as critical and creative thinking, as well as effective communication and interrelation. These concepts are learned and practiced in various contexts, using Minerva’s Active Learning Pedagogy, where the class is not a place to listen to lectures, but rather one to deepen and practice new concepts learned through active debate, live polling, and students’ collaboration.